170215 More Movement Yogi Style

This is a yoga video that shows using a soft support to ease yoga moves for doing headstands, forward folds and poses on the back. It also shows how to easily get into wall poses

Movement is still the thing I am most hesitant to share and possibly the most self critical creative task I have taken on.  On Wednesday I did a variety of filming, some yoga and some dance.  I think the yoga is less scary to share because it’s slower paced.  Even though I may not have it all down, I figure that’s relatable for other people out there.  At least I’m doing it.  When it comes to dancing though I’m not sure if I’m just being repetitive, so I will probably have to be more confident that a dance video is good before I share.  For now I will just cross my fingers and keep practicing and taping sometimes.

So the only video I’m sharing for this session (out of the 6+ sessions I taped) is yoga focused.  This is a yoga video that shows using a soft support to ease yoga moves for doing headstands, forward folds and poses on the back.  It also shows how to easily get into wall poses.  This is my first time adding in some music dubbed over that was offered on You Tube, so it’s just in the beginning.  I have to learn if I can add in more clips if the first isn’t long enough to last for the whole film.

170209 Yoga and Centrifugal Dancing

I have been spinning as part of my dance practice since about 2003. It came to me by chance, and I find it to be different than other things in my life for the kind of presence it requires.

For my Capstone I am trying to document all of the sorts of creative endeavors I try during this time.

First I will share a bit of my yoga practice here.  This is an unlisted post on You Tube so this is currently the only link to access it.

It was filmed to the musician Greg Brown’s song Rain and Snow.

Then if you skip to minute 2.56 of this video you can see a fun little bit of my spin style dancing.  Before that I’m just sitting in warm up and toe tapping so it’s worth skipping that portion.  I should have clipped it, but still need to get the updated iMovie I need on this computer.  Sorry. The music in this film is Greg Brown’s Where Are You Going When You’re Gone?

I hope these links work, feel free to let me know if they don’t.

The dancing and yoga has been the most intense to try to show.  Filming set up and making space is one thing and then sorting through the film taken and trying to select some worth showing at this stage has been hard.  Then just my small computer storage space and remote location make uploading to You Tube extremely time consuming….. but here is a sample of some of my yoga and dance time.  This Thursday I did yoga and dance for over an hour and tried to film best I could.  I have been spinning as part of my dance practice since about 2003.  It came to me by chance, and I find it to be different than other things in my life for the kind of presence it requires.  I can see I am quite out of practice, but it’s important for me to be open and accepting of my current state.  I need to understand that I will probably only get better if I buckle down and practice, so there is no need to be ashamed that I have let it go to a large degree.

170119: Mind-Over-Body Game & Doing Wood burning

“… a cool foray into a new art form.”

One project I’m working on during my attempt to try to develop a creative habit in my life is to complete a wood burning tile project.

For my birthday, my boyfriend designed a cool matching game.  Once you turn over a match both people do the action and everybody wins.  He created four matches so far: Cat/Cow pose, Invert, Piggyback, and Climb.  He intentionally left some tiles for me to complete so that we have both contributed to it’s creation.  I have never done wood-burning before, so it will also be a cool foray into a new art form.  I was inspired by what he has done already.  Here is the inventive pouch that holds the game pieces, instructions are burned into the inside leather.  These are the birch tiles he made and wood-burned with action matches that made me excited to try my hand at wood working.

I began by sketching a female figure in forward fold (Jan. 18th), which worked out well as another goal of mine is to do more drawing from my imagination.  Yesterday (Jan. 20th) I began to turn some of these sketches into wood burned tiles after Taylor taught me how to use the tool and refuel it.  I will continue posting new wood burns and sketches here as I create them.

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